Wednesday 4 April 2012

The Final Three.

Deep Technology.

Visual Treatment: 
i) Art Movement:Optical Art
ii) Reference Artist: Josef Albers
iii) Theme: Technology and Society Series
                                               iv) Idea & Concept: Everyone these days are very much into their phones. There is less communication face to face and more through text. The latest craze now is smart phones and my art work is displaying one of them, the I-phone. The I-phone is the main focus of my art work just like how it is the focus in many people's life today. 

A City Surrounded By Technology

Visual Treatment: 
i) Art Movement:Optical Art
ii) Reference Artist: Josef Albers
iii) Theme: Technology and Society Series
                                               iv) Idea & Concept: This is how our city is these days. We are surrounded by all kinds of technologies and this is what my 2nd art work is portraying. A city surrounded by many and different kinds of technologies.

Online Dating

Visual Treatment: 
i) Art Movement:Optical Art
ii) Reference Artist: Josef Albers
iii) Theme: Technology and Society Series
                                               iv) Idea & Concept: This art work conveys a message on the negative effect of technology. Technogy is the cause of online dating these days and online dating has proven to be harmful to the society. Many people have been victims of scams due to online dating.

The Technical Process

 Drawing 1:

 To begin with, I adjusted my drawing so that the lines would be more clearer.

Next, I used the rectangle tool to fill in the rectangular shapes with color

I used the line tool to create outline for my drawing so it would look neater

After coloring all the four sides and the two I-phones in the middles, I used the eclipse tool to create an oval shape on one of the I-phone

I then dragged this image onto the oval shape and chose the create clipping mask option

This is the result

Then I dragged this image in and chose the create clipping mask option again
This is the result. Next, I chose the blending options

This is the product after adjusting the blending options

I then dragged this texture onto my art work and chose the overlay option

This is the final product

However, I felt my art work is too bright so I decided to adjust the lighting effects
I chose the omni light type and adjusted the lighting
This is my final product

 Drawing 2:

To begin with, I made the lines of my drawing much more visible

Next, I used the paint bucket and chose dark colors to color the buildings

Next, I used the rectangle tool to create the windows on the buildings

After I finished coloring all those buildings, I dragged this texture onto my art work

And I chose the overlay option

This was the result

I wanted it to be much darker to match the dark buildings color so again I adjusted the lighting

I chose the omni type again but made the shade darker this time

This is my final product

Drawing 3 :
As usual for the start I made the lines clearer

Then I used the paint bucket to color my drawing

Next, I used the line tool to create an outline for my work

Then I dragged a smooth texture for the right side

and a rough texture for the right side

This is my final result